HJR Ads: Case Study

About The Client

A medium-sized American company that is in the bariatrician’s health niche approached us for some help with their AdWords account. They had been advertising for many years, spending with very little success and no closer to understanding where the leads were coming from.

Our Goals:

Man with phone

Before HeyJoyride Took Over The Account

To give you an idea of their strategy before taking over…their average cost per lead was coming in at $106 and some campaigns were double counting which meant more accurately that a cost per lead was about $200!

Out of 26,000 impressions, they were only getting a 0.74% conversion rate! To put this even more simply – 26,000 people saw the Ads and only 17 people turned into a lead!

You can see a snapshot of this below.


After We Started Google Adwords Management

Our first step was to audit the account, see where Google was spending their money and identify the areas to focus on.

We underwent a comprehensive strategy overhaul, leveraging various components of the AdWords suite including Search, Dynamic Seach and Analytics Remarketing. These different aspects allowed us to enhance our overall approach and maximize our results.

See the turnaround at almost 2 months.

Woman Pointing

This chart actually says a lot. To be clear, the blue line is the number of impressions and the red line is the ‘conversions’ (aka leads). So as you can see, the left portion of the graph shows they were spending a lot of money with few conversions (which we knew). Then, there was a break from AdWords (the graph flat lines) and then on the right-hand side, the results once we took over.

As you can see the number of conversions significantly increased and so did the quality of their leads.

The conversion rate increased a crazy 787.838% and we reduced the cost per lead by 50%! The increase of quality leads turned into real paying customers!

Woman Pointing

So What Did We Do?

  1. Configured conversion tracking to accurately measure conversions, we put a stop to double counting and implemented customized Google Analytics 4 event data to measure performance easily.
  2. Overhauled the search campaigns and honed in on the keywords that actually were performing well and scaled the bidding.
  3. We implemented a dynamic campaign, incorporating Google Analytics behaviour  – so we weren’t wasting money on people who were unlikely to convert and discovered long tail keywords that got us ahead of the competitors with a lower bid strategy.
  4. Optimized daily and selected the best times for conversions in a heavily competitive niche.
  5. A few other secret strategies we have developed to get fast results…
Building strong relationships and gaining a profound understanding of the business is pivotal in generating high-quality leads for satisfied clients. What are you waiting for?

Ready to Upscale Your Business?

Hey Joyride’s social media marketing services help you save time and enjoy a powerful social media presence whether you want to get more eyeballs on your business, generate leads, or increase your revenue.

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Google Ads Success: How To 'Finally' Get Your Google Ads Profitable

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